Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ricky Martin is Gay
Ricky Martin revealed on his website that he is gay. I love how I haven't heard anything about him for a while until this little piece of information surfaces. As soon as this was known, people started to gossip. Well Ricky, we already knew sweetie.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Did anyone catch the new music video BooBooLicious? My friend did a spoof to Fergie's song BooBooLicious. I'm pretty sure you can guess what the song is about based on the title. He's a complete utter mess but I love him anyway. You'll enjoy it, I promise.
Poetry in Motion- "All I Need"
It's weird the way I feel now. I've never felt like this before. I can't put it into words, it's not one of those things that words can correctly show, nor could a gesture with the hands, its just.......a feeling. It's like every dream I ever had is slowly being snatched away from me, like....like I'm trapped in some glass case and I'm watching the world pass all around me. As I lay in my bed, listening to the hum of the ceiling fan, thoughts enter my head, thoughts like, "Who am I?", "What will happen to me?", "Will the loneliness ever go away?", "Why am I still afraid of childhood fears?" And they repeat themselves night after night, never to be answered, until I fall asleep. Well, thats all I needed to say, don't tell anyone about this chat, okay. They don't know this side of me. They just see the mask I put on for them. The mask that doesn't have a worry in the world. My great big smiling mask of lies. I know I'm sad and I know I'm weak, but.....we can't all be strong. For once....for once I wish someone would hold MY hand and tell ME everything will be fine. Thats all I need.....love.....all I need.....
Monday, March 22, 2010
President Obama's Health Care Bill Passed
On Sunday, March 21, 2010, The House of Representatives passed President Obama's health care bill. The bill passed on a 219-212 vote. Now personally I don't do politics so I can't give you anymore information than that. Politics give me a headache. Now that I'm 18 I feel I have to pay more attention to politics now that I'm old enough to vote. Nothing about politics interest me at all. But this isn't about me, this is about President Obama's health care bill being passed.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
How Would You Imagine?
Imagine not worrying about the price of your clothes and shoes that are used, only to cover up your toes. Imagine a place with no violence, you walk outside and all you hear is silence. Imagine there is no equator, dividing us as people, not having a reason to call someone a "hater." Imagine there is no skin color and all our beauty, is hidden within. Imagine there is no death, just people taking a deep breath. Imagine there is no jealousy, and love and compassion will conquer over envy........Some might say that I'm crazy for dreaming for a better place, but I know one day it will come and I'll be there looking at myself face to face.
14 Signs You're in Love
14.) You look at their picture constantly.
13.) When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
12.) You read their texts or IM's over and over again.
11.) You walk really slow when you're with them.
10.) You feel really shy whenever you're/they're around.
9.) When you're thinking about them, your heart beats faster and slower at the same time.
8.) You smile when you hear their voice.
7.) When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, all you see is him/her.
6.) You start listening to slow songs while thinking of them.
5.) They're all you think about.
4.) You get high just from their scent.
3.) You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them.
2.) You would do anything for them, or anything to see them.
1.) While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time......(Who is it?)
8 Signs He's Still a Boy
1. Believes that putting things away sucks the joy out of life.
2. Names his dog after something alcoholic.
3. Your father hates him
4. Still owns a giant #1 foam finger
5. Any job that requires a suit? Total sell out man.
6. Perennial Plan B: Mom'll do it.
7. Can become aroused by a slight breeze.
8. Every so often you catch a glimpse of the man he'll become someday.
8 Signs He's a Man
1. Know's when a suit is required. Owns one. Wears it without complaint.
2. No condom? He doesn't mind waiting till tomorrow.
3. Your mother loves him.
4. He drives fast, but safe enough that you can let yourself fall asleep on the passenger side.
5. Is able to carry a child on his shoulders without bumping his head on a door frame.
6. Can tell if you fake your orgasm, and cares.
7. Handles break-ups (and all other major conversations) in person.
8. Every so often you catch a glimpse of the little boy he used to be.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
R.I.P. Phone Conversations

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