A lot of people now a days have a blog or do vlogs on youtube. Blogging and vlogging are the newest pastimes of this generation. They allow us to let people access to our lives and thoughts via the internet. Some allows us to keep up with what's going on in the media and lives of celebs. There is absolutely a blog for everyone's preference.
Now I sometimes question why some people want to start blogs. I went around to different people's blogs here on blogger/blogspot and asked what drove them to start a blog. I was surprised at some of the answers I received. Majority of the people I asked said they're trying to be the next Perez Hilton. Now that was the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. So basically they are trying to get famous from blogging.
Others said they do it so they can get money through adsense. Adsense is a program run by Google which places ads on you blog and for every ad that is clicked on you receive a profit. Some even said they just was to get a reaction from people. Now while you do want to get a reaction out of people from your blog, that shouldn't be the reason why you started it.
I did not get the answer I was looking for. Not one person said they were doing it for them. I'm sure if I kept asking different people I would have gotten that answer but I only asked 12 people. Also by the content on some people's blogs, I could have easily gotten my answer. If you're not blogging for yourself then I believe you're doing it for the wrong reasons. It's not about getting popular, famous, money, or anyone else. It's about loving to write and blog and nothing more.
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