Friday, August 6, 2010

Prop 8 Overturned

A major milestone has been made in the LGBT community.  On August 5, 2010, California's Proposition 8 which banned homosexual marriage, was overturned.

I as being a gay male myself am proud that the LGBT community were able to get this bill overturned.  There has been a lot of negativity around the issue of whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to marry.  I don't see why others care so much about what I want to do.  For those who are against it, how is this affecting your life?

It's not affecting your life.  It's not harming you in any way, shape, or form.  You just don't don't believe that this is appropriate and you're trying to push what you feel is appropriate on others who couldn't really give to fucks about what you think.  You have no right to dictate how's others should live their lives. Is your life so boring that you have to try and ruin the lives of others?  It must be because people against gay marriage have invested so much time into stopping homosexuals from getting married.

Prop 8 has been overturned and homosexuals are now allowed to get married legally in the state of California.  Some believe that this won't last very long and that it will be overturned yet again.  Well good luck with that.  While you do that, I'm going to enjoy my rights.

1 comment:

  1. i love the idea however as a christian lesbian, as most you probably see it as an oxymoron? right well i dont. i believe we have the right to do what we want in our lives but we should keep our decisions and church seperate, with that i dont believe we should call it should be done, it should be legal however it should not be done in a church or have the name marriage being that is going back to religion and basically one of the main reasons why it was over turned to begin with. i strongly believe if our promise for ever lasting love was called by another name but following the same steps it would stick to being a NO on prop 8. just an opinion.
