The ninth season of American Idol is right around the corner. The new season premieres on January 12, 2010 on Fox. What's the show going to be like without Paula though???? For 7 consecutive seasons, viewers have gotten used to the three judges on panel, Randy, Paula, and Simon. And, of course, even though he isn't a judge, we can't leave out Ryan Seacrest, our wonderful host. He just as important to the show as Paula, Simon, and Randy. Now people aren't too accustomed to change so I know the viewers weren't too happy about what AI tried to pull in season 8. They brought in fourth judge, Kara DioGuardi, who nobody really knows, and the viewers showed their disregard for her. Now that Paula won't be returning this season, I wonder how fans will react to this. And what about her replacement you ask? Well it is said that Ellen DeGeneres will be replacing her and viewers are ready not too enthusiastic about it. Well lets not judge before we get to actually see for ourselves. Who knows, it may turn out okay, or, it can be a total disaster. We're just going to see for ourselves when it premieres.