Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Secret Lives of the Rich and Famous

Have any of you read recently??? How about No??? Well then let me tell you. I came across this article first on about a gay NFL player. He supposedly had sexual relations with this guy during the time he played football in college. The relationship was kept private because of what this might do to his football career. The lover had done more for the NFL player than his own parents. He supported him emotionally and financially. When he made it to the NFL, the lover didn't ask for any money in return because he did it out of the kindness of his heart. But, when he made it to the NFL, he started acting like a big shot and was blowing him off. He stopped returning all phone calls, texts, and emails. Then one day he tried to end the whole relationship with a bribe. The lover didn't take the bribe and was hurt that it had to come down to him trying to bribe him to end the relationship and keep quiet. The lover didn't take the bribe because if he would have just formally ended the relationship the lover would have kept quiet. The lover always had the NFL players best interest in mind. He knew what exposing their relationship would do to his career and he never wanted it to come down to that, but he was disrespected and felt unappreciated for all that he has done for him. If you want the complete story visit or ( reveals who the NFL player is).

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