Saturday, August 7, 2010
America's Next Top Model Game Review

I'm not a big video game person anymore, I kind of grew out of them. BUT, when I saw this game in the store, I fell to the floor and was GAGGIN!!!!!
I have no idea what I was even doing in the video game aisle to begin with but that game to your left caught my eye with the quickness. I am THE BIGGEST Top Model fan. I've been waiting for a game to come out for the longest (those games you download on your mobile phone do not count).
I was so grateful that I had a Wii because if I didn't, no game for me. So I bought this with the quickness. This game had to be popular because they had to give me the one on display. Trust if they wouldn't have sold it to me I would have went to every game store i could until they sold it to me.
Now as far as the game goes, I must say I am somewhat disappointed. First of all, how are you going to make a video game based off of Tyra Bank's show and not have her in it? That confused the hell out of me. I mean she is the creator of the show shouldn't she be in this game? On top of not having Tyra, THE CREATOR OF THE SHOW, there was no Ms. J, no Jay Manuel, no Nigel, nobody important to the show.
As for your model, they have you choose between 4 generic, pre made models. How boring is that?! I was expecting a model creator where you get to create your model. There is a big variety of clothing, hairstyles, makeup, personalities, you know something you would probably see in The Sims when you create a sim. Being able to create your model would be one of the best feature of the game but the game lacks that.
I do like some aspects of the game though. I like how you actually have to complete everyday tasks until the end of the week which is elimination day. There is no skipping days you actually have to play out that entire day. Elimination is based on a point basis. Through out the week the judges give you points based on fitness, if you're dressed to fit the theme of the week, the photoshoot and so on. At the end of the week, you go to Elimination and walk the runway in clothes that fit the theme of that particular week. Then the judges once again give you a final score based on fitness, your runway walk, hair and makeup, and whether your clothing fit the theme of the week.
The girl who has the least points for the week is eliminated.
There are makeovers but not like the show. Every week there is a new theme like I mentioned earlier and just like you have to wear clothes that match the theme, you have to have a new style hair that matches the theme. The same applies with your make up. And you can actually fight the other girls and not get eliminated. They actually make you fight them. That would have not happened in the show and we all know it.
This game is not as good as I thought it would be and nowhere near as close to the show how I would have liked it to be. While there were some aspects to the game I like, there are also some aspects I dislike. If I were to give this game a rating out of 5 I would give it a 2.
David Archuleta New Single: Something 'Bout Love

David Archuleta's new single Something 'Bout Love has been released as well as the music video and I must say that I am loving his new single.
I am a BIG David Archuleta fan and has been his biggest supporter since I saw him on Star Search as a young lad. We may have been the same age, but I still had an ear for music back then.
This new single has taken a different approach from many of his songs in his self titled album. This song has more of a dance feel to it but is still a pop song.
What I like the most about his music is that it is very age appropriate. He's a 19 year old adolescent singing about love but not in an over sexual way like most songs out there today.
I think this song should do very well on the charts. His last single 'Crush' from his self titled album made #2 on the Hot 100 charts and his album made #2 on the billboard charts. I already pre ordered the album and can't wait to hear what else Archuleta has in store for us on this album.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Prop 8 Overturned

A major milestone has been made in the LGBT community. On August 5, 2010, California's Proposition 8 which banned homosexual marriage, was overturned.
I as being a gay male myself am proud that the LGBT community were able to get this bill overturned. There has been a lot of negativity around the issue of whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to marry. I don't see why others care so much about what I want to do. For those who are against it, how is this affecting your life?
It's not affecting your life. It's not harming you in any way, shape, or form. You just don't don't believe that this is appropriate and you're trying to push what you feel is appropriate on others who couldn't really give to fucks about what you think. You have no right to dictate how's others should live their lives. Is your life so boring that you have to try and ruin the lives of others? It must be because people against gay marriage have invested so much time into stopping homosexuals from getting married.
Prop 8 has been overturned and homosexuals are now allowed to get married legally in the state of California. Some believe that this won't last very long and that it will be overturned yet again. Well good luck with that. While you do that, I'm going to enjoy my rights.
Friday, July 9, 2010

For it to be July, Los Angeles has been getting a lot of gloomy weather as show in the picture. Every morning when I leave for school in the morning, (yes I'm in summer school by choice) it looks like that and sometimes it even drizzles a bit.
Now I am all for rain and gloom BUT, it's simply not the time for all that weather. I want some sun if thats too much to ask for. Thank you.
Revenge of the Bridesmaids

Where has our beloved Raven Symone been all this time??????? I haven't seen her in action since The Cheetah Girls 2 and that was back in 2006. They didn't even have her in the third one.
But she's back I see. She will be premiering in an ABC Family original movie 'Revenge of the Bridesmaids.' I've been dying to see my Raven in something. Its been far too long since she's made an appearance on the big screen.
This movie airs on July 18, 2010 on ABC Family. Check your local listings and tune in if you're a Raven Symone stan like myself.
Raven Symone
Miles Jacob
So on July 3rd, 2010, the day after my birthday, there was a new addition my my immediate family. My mother had her second child. Yes I am a BIG brother all over again. I am so happy. I've been wanting a maternal sibling for the longest. While I wish I would have gotten that sibling when I was a bit younger because I'm not too thrilled about this age gap. When he gets my age I'm going to be 38. The thought makes me cringe ever so much.
I haven't had the opportunity to see him yet. Little guy is still in the hospital. He had to have surgery right after birth. He's fine and perfectly healthy just waiting for him to come home. I wish I had a picture of him so I can show him off. He's so cute!
I haven't had the opportunity to see him yet. Little guy is still in the hospital. He had to have surgery right after birth. He's fine and perfectly healthy just waiting for him to come home. I wish I had a picture of him so I can show him off. He's so cute!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Blogging & Vlogging

A lot of people now a days have a blog or do vlogs on youtube. Blogging and vlogging are the newest pastimes of this generation. They allow us to let people access to our lives and thoughts via the internet. Some allows us to keep up with what's going on in the media and lives of celebs. There is absolutely a blog for everyone's preference.
Now I sometimes question why some people want to start blogs. I went around to different people's blogs here on blogger/blogspot and asked what drove them to start a blog. I was surprised at some of the answers I received. Majority of the people I asked said they're trying to be the next Perez Hilton. Now that was the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. So basically they are trying to get famous from blogging.
Others said they do it so they can get money through adsense. Adsense is a program run by Google which places ads on you blog and for every ad that is clicked on you receive a profit. Some even said they just was to get a reaction from people. Now while you do want to get a reaction out of people from your blog, that shouldn't be the reason why you started it.
I did not get the answer I was looking for. Not one person said they were doing it for them. I'm sure if I kept asking different people I would have gotten that answer but I only asked 12 people. Also by the content on some people's blogs, I could have easily gotten my answer. If you're not blogging for yourself then I believe you're doing it for the wrong reasons. It's not about getting popular, famous, money, or anyone else. It's about loving to write and blog and nothing more.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Quote of the Day
"Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart? Well, you could try sleeping in my bed."
Introducing Prince William
Okay and here is my Prince William photo. I want to know which you guys like better so vote for your fav picture by leaving a comment on the Prince William post or the Sir William Post.
Introducing Sir William
I'm going to be posting another picture and tell me which name you like better.
I'm not sure if I want to go but Sir William or Prince William. I've gotten a few opinions but I need just a few more so.........let me know which name you prefer.
This is the Sir William Photo. I will be making another post with the Prince William Picture.

It's never easy to say goodbye but sometimes thats all you have left to do. When all of your options have been exhausted and theres nothing more you can do, then that means it's time to say goodbye.
If it's meant to go then you can't force it to stay. All you can do let it go on its way. Yes you will be sad it's gone but you'll always have the memories that were shared.
It's time to close the door and open it up for new opportunities and
Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart

Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart? Well you can try sleeping in my bed.
Alicia Keys said it best in her song 'Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart.' Listening to this song left me speechless because this basically summed it all up for me. So I'm going to let her do the talking in this post.
Introducing: Alicia Keys, Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart.
Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Need me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
I could still hear inside my head
Tellin' me, touch me, feel me
And all the time you were tellin' me lies
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, own me nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Neeed me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end OOh
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's bout to fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
I'll just hold on to love
And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I could still feel you in my bed
Need me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
I could still hear inside my head
Tellin' me, touch me, feel me
And all the time you were tellin' me lies
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, own me nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Neeed me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end OOh
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's bout to fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
I'll just hold on to love
And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold onto the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Quote of The Day
"Life is the script. You're the writer of your own life. It's time to take control."

When's the last time you took the time to appreciate nature and its beauty?
Nature is such a beautiful thing. We all need to take a break from our faced paced lives and go get some fresh air. Take in the beauty and appreciate it. There is more to life than video games, texting, and the mall. There is a whole other out there and you;re missing out on it.
Take a trip to the park and spend the day, or not even a day just a couple of hours and I guarantee you will feel refreshed, relaxed and like a new person.
Dodo Bird
Okay I know this is random but I have some weird fascination for the extinct dodo bird.
Okay thats all.
Fork In The Road

You've come to that point in your life where you have to make a decision. It's like you've come to a fork in the road. Which road do you take?
Afraid to go down the wrong path? Afraid one road will lead you to the land of nothing? Well you'll never know if you don't take a risk and make a decision. No matter which road you choose it will never be the end of the road.
When you go to bed at night, what do you dream about? Are they pleasant dreams? Are they nightmares? Do they foretell your future? Do they relive the past? What are your dreams communicating to you?
Only you have the power to determine that hidden message in your dreams.
Do You Remember Your Childhood?

Do you remember when your parent's used to tell you, "Enjoy being a kid while you can."?
I'm sure we all took their word for granted. All we used to worry about while we were growing up was growing up. Everything that came out of our mouths were, "I can't wait until I'm old enough to do this." Well now that we're older, we look back on our childhood and wish we can just revisit them, if only for a few minutes.
We had no worries as kids. The only things we had to worry about in our youth were keeping good grades and having the most fun we could possibly have. Remember all the adventures you went on as a kid? You didn't even have to leave your backyard to go on an adventure. Remember playing at the playground? Digging holes in the sand, trying to swing the highest on the swing, playing tag, and meeting new kids to play with. Those were the days.
Movies such as 'The Sandlot' and 'Stand By Me,' make me want to relive my childhood days and go back to no worries. Well I'm all grown up now and all I can do is look back on all those good times I had as a kid and keep them in my heart forever and always.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
R.I.P. Rue Mcclanahan
Another death of a celeb in 2010. This is probably going to be the most devastating death this year for me.
Rue Mcclanahan best know for her role as Blanche Devereaux on The Golden Girls has past away. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe you haven't realized it yet but I am a STAN of The Golden Girl. I absolutely love them. Now the last one standing is Betty White.
Blanche Devereaux,
Rue Mcclanahan,
The Golden Girls
Friday, May 28, 2010
R.I.P. Gary Coleman
"What'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?"
He's another addition to the stars we've lost this year along with Dixie Carter and Lena Horne.
Arnold Jackson,
Different Strokes,
Gary Coleman
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Quote of the Day
I'm dedicating this quote to my friend who is graduating this week. Congratualations Kevin!!!!!!!!!!
"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skilful execution and the ability to see obstacles as opportunities."
"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skilful execution and the ability to see obstacles as opportunities."
Eye Candy: Paul Walker
What used to be titled 'Hottie of the Week' is now titled 'Eye Candy'. I like the title better.
So this weeks 'Eye Candy' is none other than Paul Walker. He is y far one of the most sexiest white boys I have ever seen. From the first time I saw him in The Fast and the Furious I was HOOKED!!!!!!
You can catch Paul Walker in the upcoming film 'Takers' that hits theater August 20, 2010.
Fine Dining?????
Please tell me why my friend ordered this at a nice classy restaurant. I seriously thought she was kidding when she said all she was going to order were french fries and steamed broccoli. She was so serious when she told our waitress that that was what she wanted. You should have seen the way the waitress and I looked at her. I was baffled. I was so done with her that night lol. I just simply could not believe that she ordered that. What's the weirdest thing you've ordered at a restaurant?
Custody Battle: Halle vs. Gabriel
Okay I how late am I because I didn't know that Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubrey split up. Did anyone else know this????? Someone please catch me up. Tell me something I don't know.
So what miss Nahla you ask. Well they have joint custody but that doesn't seem to be good enough Mr. Aubrey. He is fighting for permanent custody.
Okay here's the deal, Gabriel, you're doing too much. Why can't you guy's just share custody and be done with it. Nahla should not have to go through all that because you guy's couldn't work things out. Think of the child!!!!!!
So what miss Nahla you ask. Well they have joint custody but that doesn't seem to be good enough Mr. Aubrey. He is fighting for permanent custody.
Okay here's the deal, Gabriel, you're doing too much. Why can't you guy's just share custody and be done with it. Nahla should not have to go through all that because you guy's couldn't work things out. Think of the child!!!!!!
Gabriel Aubrey,
Halle Berry
No More Transformers for Megan
Sadly, the gorgeous Megan Fox will not be returning for 'Transformers 3'. I wonder who they'll replace her with. I personally don't like when movies want to change cast in a sequel or trilogy of a movie. It just ruins the movie for me. The replacement would have to deliver and and serve ten time better than the original and that's very rare. I also hope the replace will be just as gorgeous as Megan Fox but I highly doubt it.
Megan Fox,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Quote of the Day
"If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was."
The Fashion Show Returns To Bravo
Anyone remember that show on Bravo that was a rip off of Project Runway????? I didn't think so. Well Bravo is bringing it back for a second season. The show was hosted by Issac Mizrahi, an internationally acclaimed designer, and co hosted by Kelly Rowland, former member of Destiny's Child.
Now my initial question when this show first premiered was, "Why on earth is Kelly Rowland the co host?" Now don't get me wrong I love me some Kelly Rowland but what does she have to do with fashion? You would have thought that they would have gotten someone who has more of an influence in the fashion world to co host.........nope. My guess was they used Kelly Rowland to just bring in viewers. Thats exactly why I started watching it was because of her. They needed a familiar face to draw in viewers.
Well unfortunately, Kelly Rowland will not be returning as co host for the second season. This time they've gotten someone who has more of an influence to the fashion world. Guess who it is..........IMAN!!!! At least she has more to do with the fashion world than Kelly Rowland. Love you though Kelly.
Issac Mizrahi,
Kelly Rowland,
The Fashion Show
Mary J. Blige Plays Nina Simone in Biopic
Mary J. Blige is set to play the lead role in a biopic of Nina Simone's life. The filming of Cynthia Mort's movie is scheduled for Fall 2010. The film will be focusing on Simone's relationship with her personal assistant Clifton Henderson. Simone is most famously known for her hit single 'Feeling Good'. FAB.......can't wait for the film to hit theaters.
Cynthia Mort,
Mary J. Blige,
Nina Simone
Heroes Gets Cancelled

Another day, another show thats getting cancelled. Now I have never seen the show, but I know quite a few people that would be upset that the series is ending. I guess the show's ratings weren't high. Oh well, I'm sure the network will find something else to fill the time slot.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey

The Real Housewives of New Jersey returns to Bravo this Monday May 3, 2010. Out of all the Housewives, the New Jersey housewives are my second favorite after the Atlanta housewives. I've been hoping that the New Jersey housewives would be getting a second season and now I'm getting my wish. Don't forget to tune in to watch your favorite Jersey to Wendy Williams of course.......HOW YOU DOIN?!
Krista is America's Next Top Model

This was a fierce competition. The judges had a very tough decision to make and it was a very close call. Raina was very consistent throughout the competition where I feel Krista started at the bottom and as the competition went on she grew as a model. They both in my opinion were FAB and either one of the girls would have made a great winner. Congratulations Krista!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Nightmare On Elm Street Review
I love scary movies so I had to go see this one. Although I must say it wasn't scary to me at all. I don't know, maybe its because it was predictavle or the fact that Freddy was always in your face so it left no room for a shock, scare, or surprise.
So this movie is a re-imaging of the horror icon Freddy Krueger, a serial-killer who wields a glove with four blades embedded in the fingers and kills people in their dreams, resulting in their real death in reality.
The movie was pretty good. As far as the story and plot goes, it stayed true to the original but also had its own little twist. For those who haven't seen the original, although I'm sure everyone has, but if no one has, then I'm sure the story and plot would draw viewers in.
I had some problems with the movie though. For one, let me be the first to say that Freddy was UGLY. I mean Freddy looked pretty messed up in the original but the makeup crew really took it to the next level. I mean I was really afraid to look at him. I was afraid I was going to have nightmares about that face. It was bad. I didn't too much appreciate him always being in the camera. That also took away some of the suspense because we knew where he was.
I also had a problem with Kellan Lutz, the hottest guy in the movie, dying first. I'm just saying, it would have been nice to have some man candy.
Oh and someone please tell me why that blog of that asian boy getting smashed into his camera and dying still on the internet. Someone would have had to report that. Why is a video of someone dying still on the internet? Like I mean I know its a movie but come on now, lets get real, that should not have been on the internet.
Did anyone else notice how fabolous Nancy's boots were in the movie. I live for those boots. I'm just saying if the bitch was going to die, at least she was going to die fabolous.
I rate this movie a solid B. The only reason I rate it a B is because of the story and plot. Thats what kept me entertained since it wasn't the least bit scary. Well.....Freddy was scary "looking" but thats about it.
A Nightmare On Elm Street,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
RuPaul's Drag Race Finale
Season 2 of RuPaul's Drag Race is about to crown its winner. Next Monday, Logo will be airing the 2 1/2 hour season filnale RPDR. A 2 1/2 hour finale!!!!!!!! Thats crazy lol.
The final 3 queens are Tyra Sanchez (The Other Tyra), Jujubee, and Raven. My favorite out of the 3 is Tyra Sanchez. She may have a diva attitude sometimes but the bitch knows how to SERVE honey. She knows how to work that runway and she is always looking FAB. She has amazing stage presence and that alone deserves 2 snaps and a pop (How You Doin?). She has yet to fall in the bottom 2 and lip sync for her life which means she has alot to offer and the other 2 queens better watch out.
I love me some Jujubee as well. She is GORGEOUS darling, just STUNNING!!!!!! Jujubee has that personality that you just can't help to love. Three words to describe Jujubee are charming, funny, and sassy.
I don't care to much for Raven. She rubs me the wrong way. Its time for her to Sa'Sha Away if you know what I mean.
Now don't forget to catch the Finale of RPDR next Monday. And remember, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gon' love somebody else? Can I get a AMEN?!
Jon Gosselin's Mohawk
............*Crickets Chirping*...............
O_o 0_o 0_O -_-
I'm still trying to figure this mess out...........give me a minute here..............I've got nothing, it speaks for itself........SMH!!!!
Bad Hair Day,
Jon Gosselin,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Quote of the Day
"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."
Kiely Williams: Spectacular Music Video
Okay I saw this video a week ago and meant to write about it earlier but I was catching up on other things. This is one of the most trashiest low budget music videos I have EVER seen. And what makes it worse, it was the music video of Cheetah Girl Kiely Williams!!!!!! She has totally shed her Disney image. I couldn't even watch the whole video because it was that bad. When my friends started talking bad about this video I didn't think it would be all that bad but this was pure filth. I felt dirty after watching the video. I had to run and take a shower after that.
Okay I saw this video a week ago and meant to write about it earlier but I was catching up on other things. This is one of the most trashiest low budget music videos I have EVER seen. And what makes it worse, it was the music video of Cheetah Girl Kiely Williams!!!!!! She has totally shed her Disney image. I couldn't even watch the whole video because it was that bad. When my friends started talking bad about this video I didn't think it would be all that bad but this was pure filth. I felt dirty after watching the video. I had to run and take a shower after that.
Kiely Williams,
The Cheetah Girls
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
New Black LGBT Network 'EMBRACE'
I was reading one of my favorite blogs by Darian Aaron, and got news that there will be a new television network that will be representing LGBT people of color. I think its great seeing as how not too much of the black LGBT community is portrayed on television or media. For more information on the story visit Darian Aaron's blog at and for more information Embrace, visit their website at
Hottie of the Week: Lance Gross
I decided to do something new and do a weekly posting of some of the hot, sexy, and fine men out there. I will be doing this every Tuesday.
The hottie this week is Lance Gross. Born July 8, 1981 (hey exactly 10 years before I was born and 6 days after my birthday) Lance Gross is most known for his role on Tyler Perry's sitcom House of Payne. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Howard University (Brains and Beauty, How You Doin?!) and trained at Tasha Smith's Acting studio. His most recent work was in the 2010 film 'Our Family Wedding,' also starring America Ferrera, Forest Whitaker, Carlos Mencia, and Regina King.
The hottie this week is Lance Gross. Born July 8, 1981 (hey exactly 10 years before I was born and 6 days after my birthday) Lance Gross is most known for his role on Tyler Perry's sitcom House of Payne. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Howard University (Brains and Beauty, How You Doin?!) and trained at Tasha Smith's Acting studio. His most recent work was in the 2010 film 'Our Family Wedding,' also starring America Ferrera, Forest Whitaker, Carlos Mencia, and Regina King.
Why Did I Get Married Too?
Tyler Perry's recent movie and sequel "Why Did I Get Married Too?" came in #2 at the box office. This movie has been highly anticipated by Tyler Perry fans all over. Now I know better than to go try to see a movie on opening night, especially a Tyler Perry Movie, which is why I saw it the second day.
The movie was good but not as good as the first. Now I did get my kiki's in (laughs) and I even released some tears, but certain parts in the movie didn't seem right to me as well. There were parts in the movie that didn't belong or weren't cohesive with the first movie for me. It also left me asking a lot of questions.
A part in the movie I didn't understand was Patricia (Janet Jackson) and Gavin's (Malik Yoba) conflict in the movie. It didn't make sense that Patricia was the psychologist and the one person her friends looked to for relationship advice, wrote all these books on relationships and how to keep a strong marriage, yet, she couldn't manage her own relationship. That didn't seem right to me. And the best thing they could come up with was, "We just don't love each other anymore." Really? I don't believe that. If it were as simple as that, then the rest of the movie wouldn't have went the way it did. Now maybe I didn't catch what their conflict was but that was the first thing I noticed.
Angela (Tasha Smith) and Marcus (Michael Jai White) were just like they were in the first. Although it was their antics that brought in the most kiki's for me, I think it was a little too over the top at times. What happened to all those promises Angela made at the end of the first movie? I didn't see no improvement in her character whatsoever. She did too much for me. Like when she thought Marcus was cheating and she got her gun and started shooting. Really? Thats what I mean when I say over the top.
Diane (Sharon Leal) and Terry (Tyler Perry), and, Sheila (Jill Scott) and Troy (Lamman Rucker) seemed to have the more realistic problems in their marriages. Diane was having an "affair" if thats what you want to call it. It was something more than a sexual affair. She was having more of an emotional affair, if that makes sense. Diane seemed to be more emotionally attached to this other guy than she was to Terry. Sheila and Troy were having financial problems Troy was having a hard time finding a job and it was starting to hurt his pride. That was understandable.
One of my favorite parts of the movie was when all the couples were on the beach and were answering the question, "Why did I get married?" Sheila's speech touched me. I empathized with her understood how she felt. Another one of my favorite parts was when Mike (Richard T. Jones), Sheila's ex-husband, realized his faults and mistakes and became a better person toward the end of the movie. Its always good to see a character go through a change for the better. I also couldn't get over how gorgeous Janet looked throughout the movie. She was stunning. Whoever was the makeup artist, you get two snaps and a pop for that one.
If I had to give this movie a grade, I would have to give it a B-. Oh, and one more thing, what was the significance of Patricia going to Gavin's job with that big cake with that gay guy popping out of it vogueing? Was that really necessary? And they threw in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in at the end because? I'm just saying.
The movie was good but not as good as the first. Now I did get my kiki's in (laughs) and I even released some tears, but certain parts in the movie didn't seem right to me as well. There were parts in the movie that didn't belong or weren't cohesive with the first movie for me. It also left me asking a lot of questions.
A part in the movie I didn't understand was Patricia (Janet Jackson) and Gavin's (Malik Yoba) conflict in the movie. It didn't make sense that Patricia was the psychologist and the one person her friends looked to for relationship advice, wrote all these books on relationships and how to keep a strong marriage, yet, she couldn't manage her own relationship. That didn't seem right to me. And the best thing they could come up with was, "We just don't love each other anymore." Really? I don't believe that. If it were as simple as that, then the rest of the movie wouldn't have went the way it did. Now maybe I didn't catch what their conflict was but that was the first thing I noticed.
Angela (Tasha Smith) and Marcus (Michael Jai White) were just like they were in the first. Although it was their antics that brought in the most kiki's for me, I think it was a little too over the top at times. What happened to all those promises Angela made at the end of the first movie? I didn't see no improvement in her character whatsoever. She did too much for me. Like when she thought Marcus was cheating and she got her gun and started shooting. Really? Thats what I mean when I say over the top.
Diane (Sharon Leal) and Terry (Tyler Perry), and, Sheila (Jill Scott) and Troy (Lamman Rucker) seemed to have the more realistic problems in their marriages. Diane was having an "affair" if thats what you want to call it. It was something more than a sexual affair. She was having more of an emotional affair, if that makes sense. Diane seemed to be more emotionally attached to this other guy than she was to Terry. Sheila and Troy were having financial problems Troy was having a hard time finding a job and it was starting to hurt his pride. That was understandable.
One of my favorite parts of the movie was when all the couples were on the beach and were answering the question, "Why did I get married?" Sheila's speech touched me. I empathized with her understood how she felt. Another one of my favorite parts was when Mike (Richard T. Jones), Sheila's ex-husband, realized his faults and mistakes and became a better person toward the end of the movie. Its always good to see a character go through a change for the better. I also couldn't get over how gorgeous Janet looked throughout the movie. She was stunning. Whoever was the makeup artist, you get two snaps and a pop for that one.
If I had to give this movie a grade, I would have to give it a B-. Oh, and one more thing, what was the significance of Patricia going to Gavin's job with that big cake with that gay guy popping out of it vogueing? Was that really necessary? And they threw in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in at the end because? I'm just saying.
Tyler Perry,
Why Did I Get Married Too?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ricky Martin is Gay
Ricky Martin revealed on his website that he is gay. I love how I haven't heard anything about him for a while until this little piece of information surfaces. As soon as this was known, people started to gossip. Well Ricky, we already knew sweetie.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Did anyone catch the new music video BooBooLicious? My friend did a spoof to Fergie's song BooBooLicious. I'm pretty sure you can guess what the song is about based on the title. He's a complete utter mess but I love him anyway. You'll enjoy it, I promise.
Poetry in Motion- "All I Need"
It's weird the way I feel now. I've never felt like this before. I can't put it into words, it's not one of those things that words can correctly show, nor could a gesture with the hands, its just.......a feeling. It's like every dream I ever had is slowly being snatched away from me, I'm trapped in some glass case and I'm watching the world pass all around me. As I lay in my bed, listening to the hum of the ceiling fan, thoughts enter my head, thoughts like, "Who am I?", "What will happen to me?", "Will the loneliness ever go away?", "Why am I still afraid of childhood fears?" And they repeat themselves night after night, never to be answered, until I fall asleep. Well, thats all I needed to say, don't tell anyone about this chat, okay. They don't know this side of me. They just see the mask I put on for them. The mask that doesn't have a worry in the world. My great big smiling mask of lies. I know I'm sad and I know I'm weak, but.....we can't all be strong. For once....for once I wish someone would hold MY hand and tell ME everything will be fine. Thats all I I need.....
Monday, March 22, 2010
President Obama's Health Care Bill Passed
On Sunday, March 21, 2010, The House of Representatives passed President Obama's health care bill. The bill passed on a 219-212 vote. Now personally I don't do politics so I can't give you anymore information than that. Politics give me a headache. Now that I'm 18 I feel I have to pay more attention to politics now that I'm old enough to vote. Nothing about politics interest me at all. But this isn't about me, this is about President Obama's health care bill being passed.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
How Would You Imagine?
Imagine not worrying about the price of your clothes and shoes that are used, only to cover up your toes. Imagine a place with no violence, you walk outside and all you hear is silence. Imagine there is no equator, dividing us as people, not having a reason to call someone a "hater." Imagine there is no skin color and all our beauty, is hidden within. Imagine there is no death, just people taking a deep breath. Imagine there is no jealousy, and love and compassion will conquer over envy........Some might say that I'm crazy for dreaming for a better place, but I know one day it will come and I'll be there looking at myself face to face.
14 Signs You're in Love
14.) You look at their picture constantly.
13.) When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
12.) You read their texts or IM's over and over again.
11.) You walk really slow when you're with them.
10.) You feel really shy whenever you're/they're around.
9.) When you're thinking about them, your heart beats faster and slower at the same time.
8.) You smile when you hear their voice.
7.) When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, all you see is him/her.
6.) You start listening to slow songs while thinking of them.
5.) They're all you think about.
4.) You get high just from their scent.
3.) You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them.
2.) You would do anything for them, or anything to see them.
1.) While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time......(Who is it?)
8 Signs He's Still a Boy
1. Believes that putting things away sucks the joy out of life.
2. Names his dog after something alcoholic.
3. Your father hates him
4. Still owns a giant #1 foam finger
5. Any job that requires a suit? Total sell out man.
6. Perennial Plan B: Mom'll do it.
7. Can become aroused by a slight breeze.
8. Every so often you catch a glimpse of the man he'll become someday.
8 Signs He's a Man
1. Know's when a suit is required. Owns one. Wears it without complaint.
2. No condom? He doesn't mind waiting till tomorrow.
3. Your mother loves him.
4. He drives fast, but safe enough that you can let yourself fall asleep on the passenger side.
5. Is able to carry a child on his shoulders without bumping his head on a door frame.
6. Can tell if you fake your orgasm, and cares.
7. Handles break-ups (and all other major conversations) in person.
8. Every so often you catch a glimpse of the little boy he used to be.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
R.I.P. Phone Conversations

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!!!!!! Today is the day to spread your love to the people that matter most in your life. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or your significant other. Take the time to appreciate the most important people in your life. Even if you can't get a gift, the only one that really matters most is the gift of love. It's free and you can share it with as many people as you like. Don't be down if you don't have a date either, go out with your friends or your favorite family member. This is a day to spread love, not bitterness and jealousy. So everyone have a safe and wonderful day, and once again, Happy Valentine's Day ;)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Super Bowl XLIV (44)

Two of my favorite teams has made it to the Super Bowl this year. Those teams are the Baltimore Colts and the New Orleans Saints. Now I'm not a die hard football fan but I do keep up with my favorite teams. This year the Super Bowl will be held in Miami, Florida in the Sun Life Stadium. It airs this Sunday, February 7, 2009 on CBS. Our national anthem will be sung by Queen Latifah and Carrie Underwood. The Who will be performing during the Halftime Show. The referee for the game will be Scott Green. This will be a Super Bowl to remember, at least for me.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Another Triflin Moment

Now this is just triflin to the fullest. Stupidity at its best. The most random act of foolishness I've ever heard of. This man in Ohio went to a Walmart, walked on up to the meat counter, and started peeing on the steaks. The police reports states that he ruined $600 worth of steak. What in the world would posses you to go randomly pee on the steaks in Walmart??? Now them cows died for nothing. That is the most triflin thing I've ever heard of. Smh, what is wong with these people in 2010???
Smh at Kelis, AGAIN!!!!!!

Im about tired of seeing Kelis walking out the house looking like this. That outfit is doing entirely too much. Where the hell are u going Kelis???? All that fur ain't necessary. PETA need to have a police squad or FBI unit or something because she is violating all kind of PETA laws. She having a good ol' time spending that child support money as you can see. Smh.
Uh Uh I'm Jealous

Do you know what Diddy got his son Justin for his 16th birthday??? Let me stress this again, HIS 16th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! This boy got a MERCEDES MAYBACH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm am so jealous, like wtf. One of my goals in life is to get a Mercedes Maybach and this boy got it at 16 years of age!!!!!! Oh, and did I mention it came with a chauffeur?!!! Oh, and another thing, I'm not not hating, im just really jealous. Big difference. Its okay though, I'm going to have my Mercedes Maybach with a personal chauffeur one day. Just wait. And for all yall who doubting me, imma swoop by your neighborhood in my Maybach and look u dead in the eye and say, "I told you so."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
BK Whopper Bar

I told you, 2010 has been nothing but foolishness. If fast food wasn't already unhealthy enough, why not throw in some beer to go with your whopper ladies and gentlemen? Burger King has just announced that they will be opening up a Whopper Bar that serves beer!!!! These "Whopper Bars" will be located in big cities with a vast amount of tourists. These cities include New York City, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. As if Vegas does not serve enough alcohol already, smh. They have lost their damn minds, someone needs to be slapped senseless.
Fashion Fail
Woman Crushes Boyfriend To Death and Gets a Slap On The Wrist
2010 is becoming a crazy year. I can't believe some of the foolishness going on this year. Now a woman is getting a slap on the wrist for sitting on her boyfriend and killing him. This woman weighed over 300 pounds and sat on her boyfriend while he was face down on the couch. Damn. This man didn't even weigh half of what she did. According to police, this woman tip the scale. Their scale only went up to 350 pounds and they claimed that wasn't enough to weigh her accurately. Smh. And all she got was 3 years probation and 100 hours of community service. Pure foolishness.
Friday, January 22, 2010
So it turns out that Rihanna's new beau, Matt Kemp, isn't a woman beater after. Kemp's ex is just trying to start some shit. Thats how rumors get started because of people like her, smh. Well it looks like Rihanna is safe after all.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Woman Beater????

Looks like Rihanna just loves men who beat on women. Matt Kemp, Rihanna's new beau is an alleged woman beater. His ex-girlfriend had a restraining order put on him at one point in time. It is also said that he was kick out of a club for fighting with a woman. Are u serious?! Smh, Rihanna better watch out.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Now Thats Triflin
A man in Pennsylvania is arrested for breaking into someone's home. Thats not the triflin part. This man didn't steal anything, but he had the nerve to go fry him up some chicken and wash and cut his hair. When the homeowner arrived home, he reported that he found the man sitting on his couch watching TV and had chicken frying on the stove. He also had taken a shower and cleaned and groomed himself up a bit. Smh, now that is what I call a HOT MESS!!!!
Another Dead Beat Dad (Or Soon To Be)

In a relationship that has been on and off for 5 years, Diamond "Baby Blue" Smith has gotten a girl pregnant. And this girl happens to be Tisha Campbell's little sister. Now that she's pregnant, he's acting like the stereotypical black male and not taking his responsibility as a father, smh. He reportedly isn't returning phone calls and is just being plain old triflin', according to Tisha's husband Duane Martin. Women be careful who you sleep with, they could be another one of him, and men step up, be a man, and take care of your responsibilities.
Haiti Is Hit With Another Earthquake
Wednesday morning, Haiti was hit with another earthquake. The magnitude of this quaked totaled up to 6.1. Damn isn't one enough.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Jermaine Sellers on American Idol

Do you remember gospel singer Jermaine Sellers from that BET show Sunday's Best? Well it looks like he is back. Last night while I was watching American Idol, I recognized him instantly. He is very talented and has a very nice singing voice. He got in front of those judges and did his thing as he received a golden ticket to Hollywood. Lets see how far he will make it in the competition.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Quote of the Day
"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness."
American Idol's Back

American Idol is back!!!! It wasn't all that bad either. with the absence of Paula Abdul, I didn't think the show would be the same without her. I hardly noticed that she was gone. Maybe it was because I was distracted by all the horrible singing. Victoria Beckham was the guest judge last night as auditions were held in Boston, Massachusetts. A total of 31 lucky hopefuls received the golden ticket to Hollywood. Lets see how many more will get that golden ticket as they head to Atlanta, Georgia for the next auditions. It airs again on Fox at 8pm. Don't miss it.
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